Այսօր: Շաբաթ, 15 Մարտի 2025թ.
Արարատի համայնքապետարանի պաշտոնական կայք
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CapaCities is a project with a duration of two years, funded by DG ECHO with in total six partners :

Core Team

·         Safety Region South-Holland South (VRZHZ), the Netherlands

·         ITINERIS Houdijk Consultancy (HouCon), the Netherlands

·         Regional Centre for Sustainable Development (PA RCSD), Moldova

Recipient cities

·         Ararat municipality, Armenia

·         Kutaisi City, Georgia

·         Ungheni City, Moldova

Aim of the CapaCities project is to structurally improve the capacities in three cities in Eastern partnership countries to lead and coordinate a structured process of Disaster Risk Management planning, based on multi-hazard risk assessments and self-insight in their current DRM capabilities and in strong connection with EU policies for DRM, as well as the Sendai framework. By the end of the project these cities should be capable to continue a structured DRM planning, led by knowledgeable and competent focal points and based on a concrete DRM strategy including a roadmap that has been developed during the project.

To reach this goal we have two mainstream action lines in the project:


The DRM curriculum will consist of six 3-day Learning and Experience Sharing meetings, eight e-Learning online classes and tailor-made coaching by the Core Team members in 4 local support and advice meetings for each city. The local DRM action will include a self-assessment of DRM capacities, city-to-city peer reviews, local stakeholder meetings and the development of a local DRM strategy with roadmap. The bridge between the learning process and local action is made by homework assignments, that transform learning questions to concrete local activities. These two main action lines will be supported by project management and dissemination activities.

LES meetings

From 13 to 15 February the first Learning and Experience Sharing meeting of the project took place. This first event of the curriculum was hosted by Ungheni City Hall. The participant cities joined together to start their shared learning process, with guidance of the Core Team members.

This three-day session was aimed at the introduction of Disaster Risk Management, as well as the general understanding of the CapaCities project phases and deliverables during the coming two-year project period. The sessions included an interactive workshop about stakeholder assessment, discussions about local DRM governance and several lectures about the general principles of DRM, the EU perspective on DRM, urban resilience, spatial planning and mainstreaming DRM. Also, the baseline of DRM knowledge of the “DRM focal points” of the three cities was established and the Civil Protection and Emergency Situations department was visited.

On the third day a press conference was held to inform local media about the project and answer their questions. At the end of the press conference the Consortium Agreement was officially signed by the six partners. The mayors of the cities expressed their confidence in a successful outcome of the project and stressed the importance of building DRM capacities for their cities. The project is exactly on time for their needs and can create synergies with upcoming local processes for sustainable development and spatial planning.

From 29 to 31 May the project organised the 2nd LES meeting in Kutaisi. The topic was Disaster Risk Assessment. During the three-day meeting the DRM focal points learned about the steps of risk assessment: risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation.

In a workshop on risk identification the focal points were put to work on several exercises for identification of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. In the ensuing part the CapaCities Core Team, together with guest teacher Nestor Alfonzo Santemaria from the UK, presented the different methods for single-hazard and multi-hazard risk analysis. The EU approach to multi-hazard risk analysis of disaster scenarios on impact and likelihood was explained in-depth.

In a practical exercise the focal points discussed for two example hazards of each city the selection of different scenario levels. For each of these scenarios the main characteristics were described, such as casualties, damage and environmental impact. In a second exercise the cities were asked to identify potential stakeholders and sources of information for the analysis of impact levels. The discussion focussed on the role of a DRM focal point: not to be expert in impact analysis, but to be able to challenge the estimations and assumptions by experts, to ask for clear substantiation of the analysis and to understand levels of uncertainty/confidence.

The third part focussed on risk evaluation. Examples from different countries were used to explain different approaches to risk evaluation and risk criteria. The use of the risk matrix was discussed at length, to understand the risk treatment options for risks in different corners of the matrix and the pros and cons of colouring the matrix.

In the closing part, the focal points discussed the way forwards: what is their ambition level for Disaster Risk Assessment, what approach and methods do they want to use and what assistance do they need from each other and from the Core Team?

Online meetings (E-LES)

Part of the curriculum are the so called E-LES meetings. On March 20th the first e-LES was organised: the focal points presented their homework results about local DRM governance and national DRM legislation. The focal points felt the homework was a very important starting point for their learning process. It obliged them to start reading about their local and national situation and reach out to stakeholders. They have found relevant national strategies and legislation, that can be of good help for their city.

The Core Team presented a short lecture about “mainstreaming DRM” and making the connection with Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development. Practical guidance was provided on how to initiate mainstreaming, starting from understanding all relevant sectoral policy planning processes.

On April 26th the CapaCities project had its second online meeting to share lessons and experiences. This time the homework results were about local resilience planning and discussed local efforts for mainstreaming DRM and Sustainable Development. The focal points also shared the results from their first local stakeholder meetings.

In Ungheni the concept of resilience is integrated in both a Sustainable Development strategy and a previous strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction. One of the main aims within CapaCities will be to integrate DRM and resilience into urban planning. To this end spatial planning specialists have been invited to the local working group. This working group has been formally instituted by the Mayor, with a clear assignment. The local working group will look for synergy with the regional DRM monitoring committee that has been set up as a result of the EU CRISMAS project.

Ararat has internally discussed the main risks and risk drivers. For now, it seems like most attention will have to be paid to industrial risks, environmental degradation and pollution, resilience of the energy sector, transport sector and food chain, as well as disaster proof hospitals (for example against earthquakes). Ararat has an existing strategy for Sustainable Development, which will be updated soon. A great opportunity for mainstreaming DRM.

Also Kutaisi has an existing sustainable development strategy. The development of a spatial planning strategy is currently underway, offering an opportunity for including disaster risks. Risk concerns will also be included in new projects, such as the rehabilitation of the Rioni River bank.

Support & Advice meetings

In the timeframe between the two LES meetings, members of the Core Team visited the cities to support them individually.

March 6th – 7th 2018 the 1st SAM in Ungheni took place  One day of support and consultancy was dedicated to the focal points in order to set roles and responsibilities according to project’s needs and objectives.  The second day was used to meet the  local Working Group, which members were familiarized with project objectives, activities and expected results. At the beginning of the meeting, Mayor Alexandru Ambros highlighted the fact that the action fits into the strategies established at local level as regards the sustainable development of the city.

End of March Ararat hosted their first SAM. Central theme was the fulfilling of the role of “DRM focal point”. Ararat already has performed a first stakeholder assessment to identify which partnerships could be developed and  the project has been discussed with several departments on national level. A local working group will be created that will consist of representatives from several sectors, in order to assist the focal points. Ararat will also involve the existing “green club” (companies and industry), because of the potential ecological risks in and around the city.

The third SAM in this round took place in the City of Kutaisi. The three DRM focal points invited the city departments to discuss their contribution to the project. The focal points introduced the objectives and approach of the project and the Core Team the basics for mainstreaming DRM into spatial planning. The group discussed the main risks of Kutaisi, their potential impact and the relevance for spatial planning. The attendants agreed to involve their respective city departments in the local working group that will coordinate the local DRM actions of the CapaCities project.

Furthermore, the regional headquarters of the Emergency Management Service was visited. This organization can contribute with risk information and knowledge of prevention planning.

Next Steps

Next months will be used to establish furthermore the working groups and discuss with them the next steps; work on Risk Assessment and the self assessment regarding the existing capabilities.

All partners will meet again from 2 till 4 October during the 3rd LES meeting in Ararat.


Do you like to learn more about the project, please visit our website www.drm-capacities.eu


Ժամանակահատված16/07/2018 - 31/12/2018
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